Results for 'Dr Tsachi Keren-paz'

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  1.  41
    Gender Injustice in Compensating Injury to Autonomy in English and Singaporean Negligence Law.Tsachi Keren-Paz - 2019 - Feminist Legal Studies 27 (1):33-55.
    The extent to which English law remedies injury to autonomy as a stand-alone actionable damage in negligence is disputed. In this article I argue that the remedy available is not only partial and inconsistent but also gendered and discriminatory against women. I first situate the argument within the broader feminist critique of tort law as failing to appropriately remedy gendered harms, and of law more broadly as undervaluing women’s interest in reproductive autonomy. I then show by reference to English remedies (...)
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    Egalitarianism as Justification: Why and How Should Egalitarian Considerations Reshape the Standard of Care in Negligence Law?Tsachi Keren-Paz - 2003 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4 (1).
    The two leading theoretical approaches to tort law — economic analysis and corrective justice — are blind to distributive considerations. Moreover, even the main distributive approaches to tort law — loss-spreading and fairness — fail to emphasize egalitarianism as a distributive consideration. This article argues that egalitarianism should influence the normative evaluation of one’s conduct as negligent or not. It first explains why normatively negligence law should be sensitive to the egalitarian concern, suggesting three different accounts for this claim, based (...)
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    Nicolette Priaulx, The Harm Paradox: Tort Law and the Unwanted Child in an Era of Choice : Routledge-Cavendish, Oxford, 2007, 224 pp, Price £25.99 , ISBN 9781844721085. [REVIEW]Tsachi Keren-Paz - 2008 - Feminist Legal Studies 16 (2):269-272.
  4. Poetic justice: Why sex-slaves should be allowed to Sue ignorant clients in conversion. [REVIEW]Tsachi Keren-Paz - 2010 - Law and Philosophy 29 (3):307-336.
    In this article I argue that clients who purchase commercial sex from forced prostitutes should be strictly liable in tort towards the sex-slaves. Such an approach is both normatively defensible and doctrinally feasible. As I have argued elsewhere, fairness and equality demand that clients compensate sex-slaves even if one refuses to acknowledge that fault is involved in purchasing sex from a prostitute who might be forced. In this article I argue that such strict liability could be grounded in the tort (...)
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    Tsachi Keren-Paz's book "Torts, Egalitarianism and Distributive Justice".Nicole Vincent - unknown
  6.  40
    Tsachi Keren-Paz, Torts, Egalitarianism and Distributive Justice: Ashgate, Aldershot, 2007, 213 pp, Price £55.00 , ISBN 978-0-7546-4653-2.Wade Mansell - 2009 - Feminist Legal Studies 17 (2):239-240.
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    Tsachi Keren-Paz: Sex Trafficking: A Private Law Response: Routledge, Oxford, 2013, 278 pp, Price £75.00 , ISBN: 9780415583312. [REVIEW]Nikki Godden - 2014 - Feminist Legal Studies 22 (2):217-220.
  8. Book Review of "Torts, Egalitarianism and Distributive Justice" by Tsachi Keren-Paz. [REVIEW]Nicole A. Vincent - 2008 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 33:199-204.
    In "Torts, Egalitarianism and Distributive Justice" , Tsachi Keren-Paz presents impressingly detailed analysis that bolsters the case in favour of incremental tort law reform. However, although this book's greatest strength is the depth of analysis offered, at the same time supporters of radical law reform proposals may interpret the complexity of the solution that is offered as conclusive proof that tort law can only take adequate account of egalitarian aims at an unacceptably high cost.
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    Eigenverantwortung als Verteilungskriterium im Gesundheitswesen.Dr med A. Buyx - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (4):269-283.
    Die demografische Entwicklung und der medizinische Fortschritt werden die Problematik der Ressourcenknappheit im deutschen Gesundheitswesen in Zukunft weiter verschärfen. Soll nicht nur kurzfristig akuten Sparzwängen ausgewichen werden, steht – wie in verschiedenen Ländern bereits geschehen – auch Deutschland auf Dauer eine Prioritätensetzung im Gesundheitswesen bevor. Diese sollte in möglichst transparenter Weise nach klaren Kriterien erfolgen. Eines der seit einiger Zeit häufig öffentlich zitierten Kriterien der Verteilung von Mitteln in der Gesundheitsversorgung ist die Eigenverantwortung von Patienten. Deren Berücksichtigung in der Allokation (...)
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    Maternidad subrogada: dilemas éticos y aproximación a sus respuestas jurídicas.María Paz García Rubio & Margarita Herrero Oviedo - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 52:67-89.
    La maternidad subrogada constituye uno de los temas más controvertidos entre los muchos de esta índole que afectan al uso y disposición del cuerpo de la mujer. Razones de índole ética, sociológica y jurídica convergen para argumentar a favor y en contra de una práctica que, queramos o no, se halla cada vez más extendida. Al igual que sucede en otros temas relacionados con el cuerpo femenino, como el aborto o la prostitución, las diferentes posturas están cada vez más distanciadas (...)
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    Mesopotamian Double-Jar Burials and Incantation Bowls.Ortal-Paz Saar - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (4):863.
    The corpus of late antique Babylonian incantation bowls comprises a class of double-bowl sets, consisting of two bowls facing each other, fastened together with bitumen. Occasionally, such bowl sets have been found to contain inscribed egg shells or human bones. The double-bowl configuration is highly reminiscent of the double-jar burial practice attested in Mesopotamia from the second millennium to the sixth century BCE. The double-jar burial involved placing the deceased between two wide-mouthed jars, occasionally joining them with bitumen at the (...)
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  12. Physics expertise and the perception of physics problems.R. W. Schvaneveldt, Dr Euston, Ds Sward & A. Vanheuvelen - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):461-461.
  13. Los fines Y valores de la medicina.Profr Dr Josef Seifert - 2002 - Humanitas 29:89.
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  14. Aktuelle Probleme des Geltenden Deutschen Insolvenzrechts: Insolvenzrechtliches Symposium der Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Stiftung in Kiel 6./7. Juni 2008.Prof Dr Stefan Smid - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
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  15. Mental accounting and individual welfare.Dilip Soman, Hee-Kyung Ahn & G. Keren - 2011 - In Gideon Keren (ed.), Perspectives on framing. New York: Psychology Press. pp. 65--92.
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    Investigating the Connection Among Quality Management Effectiveness and Organizational Culture.Dr Praveen Kumar Thakur, Dr Vinima Gambhir, Dukhbhanjan Singh, Sudhakar Reddy, Shitij Goyal, Dr Sushmita Singh & Prateek Aggarwal - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:991-1000.
    The success of an organization depends on its quality management (QM) and organizational culture (OC). While QM seeks to improve the caliber of products and services, OC consider to share beliefs and behaviors that impact working relationships. Together, they deliver excellent performance and a competitive advantage. The goal of the study is to evaluate how various OC factors affect QM methods and their effectiveness. The comprehensive evaluation provided by the study is based on data from 320 experts, validated questionnaires and (...)
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  17. Buddhist ‘Theory of Meaning’ (Apoha vāda) as Negative Meaning’.Dr Sanjit Chakraborty - 2017 - NEHU Journal, North Eastern Hill University (2):67-79.
    The paper concentrates on the most pressing question of Indian philosophy: what is the exact connotation of a word or what sort of entity helps us to identify the meaning of a word? The paper focuses on the clash between Realism (Nyāya) and Apoha vāda (Buddhist) regarding the debate whether the meaning of a word is particular/universal or both. The paper asserts that though Naiyāyikas and Mīmāṁsakas challenged against Buddhist Apoha vāda, yet they realized that to establish an opinion in (...)
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  18. Brahmacharya: A prerequisite to healthy life.Dr Devanand Upadhyay - 2014 - IAMJ 2 (4):672-677.
    ABSTRACT -/- Ayurveda is science of living being with an aim to live healthy life and curing of ailments. Arogyata (healthy life) is root to achieve the purushartha chatushtaya which are dharma(religious rituals), artha, kama and moksha. Kama in society is taken in sexual lust but Vatsayan has described kama as the enjoyment of appropriate objects by the five senses of hear- ing, feeling, seeing, tasting, and smelling, assisted by the mind together with the soul. The ingre- dient in this (...)
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  19. A critical review of fundamental principles of Ayurveda.Dr Devanand Upadhyay & Dinesh Kumar K. Dinesh - 2015 - IAMJ 3 (7):2075-2083.
    The fundamental principle holds a strong ground in Ayurveda. Every medical stream has its own science in which its matter is developed, evolved and explained. From creation of living to issues of health, disease and its treatment these fundamental principles are the root. These can be enumerated as Tridosha, Panchamahabhuta, Prakriti, Ojas, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Manas, Atma etc. They are most unique and original approach to the material creation and it has all scope to incorporate the modern development in the (...)
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  20.  36
    Why computers are never likely to be smarter than people.Dr Peter J. Marcer - 1989 - AI and Society 3 (2):142-145.
  21.  8
    Investigating the Impact of Film Quality and Viewing Environment on Viewer Satisfaction.Dr Aashka Thakkar, Prateek Garg, Mukul Pandey, Dr Anand Kopare, Abhinav Rathour, K. N. Raja Praveen & Tusha - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:703-712.
    Viewer satisfaction measures how well a film's technical and artistic elements match or surpass the expectations and tastes provided by the viewer. Film quality refers to a film's technical and creative components. Out of 75 surveys that were provided, 50 valid results were utilized to emphasize the aspects affecting viewer satisfaction in Impact of Film Quality and View Environment. To enhance data validity and reliability, we employed the Statistical Package (SPSS) software to carry out the following tests. The correlation technique (...)
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  22. scope of Dharma w.s.r. to ritual dieties (karma kanda) in AYurveda.Dr Devanand Upadhyay - 2015 - Indian Journal of Allied and Agriculture Sciences 1 (3):112-115.
    Ayurveda is science of living being. Aim of Ayurveda is mantainance of healthy life and pacification of diseases of diseased ones. Dharma, artha, kama and moksha these four are together called chaturvidha purushartha which is achieved by arogya (health).Ayurveda holds view of its independent darshanika viewthough it has shades of nearly all six astika darshanas. Mimamsa’s first verse implies its motto to explore Dharma. Ayurveda considers dharma as one of basic component to health. Dharma has been described under trieshana by (...)
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  23. A New S4 Classical Modal Logic in Natural Deduction.Maria Da Paz N. Medeiros - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):799 - 809.
    We show, first, that the normalization procedure for S4 modal logic presented by Dag Prawitz in [5] does not work. We then develop a new natural deduction system for S4 classical modal logic that is logically equivalent to that of Prawitz, and we show that every derivation in this new system can be transformed into a normal derivation.
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  24. ‘Quine’s Meaning Nihilism: Revisiting Naturalism and Confirmation Method,’.Dr Sanjit Chakraborty - 2017 - Philosophical Readings (3):222-229.
    The paper concentrates on an appreciation of W.V. Quine’s thought on meaning and how it escalates beyond the meaning holism and confirmation holism, thereby paving the way for a ‘meaning nihilism’ and ‘confirmation rejectionism’. My effort would be to see that how could the acceptance of radical naturalism in Quine’s theory of meaning escorts him to the indeterminacy thesis of meaning. There is an interesting shift from epistemology to language as Quine considers that a person who is aware of linguistic (...)
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  25. conceptual review of Adhyatma in Ayurveda.Dr Devanand Upadhyay - 2013 - IJAHM 3 (6):1404-1408.
    This adhyatma gyana is also a part of Ayurveda because it is related to human health especially with mental health; A group of diseases is described independently in Sushruta as adhyatmika dukha. Contemporary books also mention adhyatmika dukha and adhyatma has been described in details. The subject matter of adhyatma has been mentioned from different point of view, but in fact the adhyatma is related to atman, as it is knowledge of atman and its related subjects are the knowledgeable materials (...)
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    Yoga in Penitentiary Settings: Transcendence, Spirituality, and Self-Improvement.Dr Mar Griera - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (1):77-100.
    Yoga, together with other so-called holistic spiritual practices such as reiki or meditation, is one of the most popular spiritual disciplines in our contemporary society. The success of yoga crosses the boundaries between health, sport, religion, and popular culture. However, from a sociological point of view, this is a largely under-researched field. Aiming to fill this gap, this article analyzes the impact, meaning, and implications of the practice of yoga by taking prisons as the institutional context of the study. The (...)
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    Marginale Wirksamkeit als Posteriorisierungskriterium – Begriffsklärungen und ethisch relevante Vorüberlegungen.Dr med Alena M. Buyx, Daniel R. Friedrich & Prof Dr Bettina Schöne-Seifert - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (2):89-100.
    Die demografische Entwicklung und der medizinische Fortschritt werden die Problematik der Ressourcenknappheit im Gesundheitswesen in Zukunft weiter verschärfen. Auch Deutschland steht eine Prioritätensetzung im Gesundheitswesen bevor. Diese sollte in möglichst transparenter Weise nach klaren Kriterien erfolgen. Ein nur selten in diesem Kontext besprochenes Kriterium der Verteilung von Mitteln in der Gesundheitsversorgung ist die marginale Wirksamkeit medizinischer Leistungen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird dieses Kriterium vorgestellt und auf seine Fairness hin untersucht. Nach der kritischen Diskussion einiger Argumente gegen den offenen Einsatz von (...)
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    Values of Coexistence in Islamic Civilization: The Relationship with Others and the Challenge of Extremism.Dr Mohamed Aly Isselmou Taleb Ebeidy & D. Mohamed Cheikh Abdellahi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:856-868.
    This study employs a descriptive-analytical method to emphasize the genuineness and importance of peaceful coexistence values among religions and cultures in Islamic civilization. It specifically focuses on the interaction with others, living together, acknowledging, respecting, and collaborating with them in different aspects of shared humanity. This research examines the language of extremism by studying and analyzing it, seeing it as the primary obstacle to the principles of civic coexistence and tolerance. The research findings indicate that the key factor that sets (...)
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    Von methodischer Selbstbeobachtung in der Religionspsychologie).Dr Siegfried Behn - 1930 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 5 (2):160-189.
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    The Impact of Trials on the Purification and Elevation of the Soul.Dr Kaddour A. Thamer & Dr Waththab K. Hussein - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:106-121.
    In this research, I explored the ways to purify and elevate the soul through various factors, most notably the impact of trials in preserving and elevating the soul. Just as education and moral refinement are crucial for disciplining, thriving, purifying, and reforming the soul, trials also play a significant role in preserving the soul, protecting it from misguidance, and reforming it. Trials contribute to the soul’s ascension in the ranks of servitude to Allah, acceptance of Allah’s decree, and submission to (...)
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    Die Wahrheitsfrage in der Religionspsychologie.Dr Wilhelm Stählin - 1930 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 5 (2):136-159.
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    Can fictionalists have a genuine emotional response to religious discourse?Dr Jessica Eastwood - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 83 (5):339-350.
    The purpose of this article is to suggest that the fictionalist’s emotions toward religious discourse could be better supported than the current literature allows. By ‘fictionalist’ I mean those of whom interpret religious discourse as useful fiction. The threefold structure of the article will argue that: (1) the concept of aliefs has been falsely equated with the concept of imagining, (2) the fictionalist ought to adopt a hybrid theory of emotions rather than a cognitive appraisal and, (3) if (1) and (...)
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  33. Ueber das religiöse Genie.Dr Siegfried Behn - 1914 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 1 (1):45-67.
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    Suttas on Sakka in Agama and Nikaya Literature – With Some Remarks on the Attribution of the Shorter Chinese Samyukta Agama.Dr Marcus Bingenheimer - 2008 - Buddhist Studies Review 25 (2):149-173.
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    Commentary on “good to the last drop? Millikan Stories as 'Canned' Pedagogy”.Dr Stephanie J. Bird - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):215-216.
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    Convocation on scientific conduct.Dr Stephanie J. Bird - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (1):91-92.
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    Science and engineering ethics one year on.Dr Stephanie J. Bird & Professor Ray Spier - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (1):3-4.
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    Jenseits der Therapie.Dr med Alena M. Buyx - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):267-272.
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    Law, liability and expert systems.Dr Joseph A. Cannataci - 1989 - AI and Society 3 (3):169-183.
    This paper examines some of the possible legal implications of the production, marketing and use of expert systems. The relevance of a legally useful definition of expert systems, comprising systems designed for use both by laymen and professionals, is related to the distinctions inherent in the legal doctrine underlying provision of goods and provision of services. The liability of the sellers and users of, and contributors to, expert systems are examined in terms of professional malpractice as well as product liability. (...)
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  40.  10
    Violence and the Maternal in the Marquis de Sade.Dr Beverley Clack - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (3):273-291.
    Feminist philosophers of religion have drawn attention to desire as a neglected category for approaching the sources and concerns of religion. This paper extends this discussion by engaging with one particularly disturbing aspect of the writings of the Marquis de Sade. In a world where ultimate sexual pleasure is derived from destruction of the Other, Sade glories in describing the suffering of mothers, often at the hands of their own children. This paper offers one possible reading of these dark desires (...)
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  41. An evaluation of the concepts and problems of philosophy of religion in terms of teaching religion: A study into the units of philosophy of religion and religious concepts in the programs of teaching philosophy.Assist Prof Dr Aytekin Demircioğlu - 1998 - Philosophy 2 (25):36.
  42.  13
    Humor y sufrimiento en Søren Kierkegaard.María Paz Elorrieta Grimalt - 2018 - Anuario Filosófico 51 (3):515-532.
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    Vom verhältnis Christof schrempfs zu Immanuel Kant.Dr Otto Engel - 1930 - Kant Studien 35 (1-4):511-516.
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    2. Sophocles Antigone 4, 5 nochmals.Dr Forchhammer - 1876 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 35 (1-4):201-203.
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    El rol de la agencia en la identidad híbrida de los pacientes neurotecnológicos.Jorge Ignacio Fuentes & Abel Wajnerman Paz - 2024 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 81:225-251.
    Recientemente, en la literatura sobre neuroética se ha analizado la integración entre neurotecnologías y ser humano desde la teoría de la mente extendida. La discusión se ha centrado en buscar dimensiones para evaluar la integración de los dispositivos en las funciones cognitivas de sus usuarios. Este enfoque ha tenido un relativo éxito en conceptualizar la paridad ética de los dispositivos respecto del cuerpo orgánico. Sin embargo, esta integración presenta al menos tres desafíos que no han sido abordados y requieren un (...)
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    V. —assimilation and association. (I.).Dr James Ward - 1893 - Mind 2 (7):347-362.
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    De „Gestalt”-theorie van Köhler.Dr W. M. Kruseman - 1936 - Synthese 1 (1):355-360.
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    De Historie van Het Vitalisme.Dr W. M. Kruseman - 1937 - Synthese 2 (1):185-188.
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    Prikkelverschijnselen bij Plant, Dier en Mensch.Dr W. M. Kruseman - 1936 - Synthese 1 (1):118-120.
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    Remaking the Future of Health? In Search for Individual and Public Health in the Age of Genomics.Dr med Petra Kutscheid - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (2):143-148.
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